30 Days Of Writing: Day 25

Do any of your characters have pets? Tell us about them.

Oh, this is an easy one. The answer is a big fat NO, ha. Well one of my characters has a familiar, but I’ve not written for either yet, so I really can’t say.

4 thoughts on “30 Days Of Writing: Day 25

  1. None of the good guys. Mabel has a dog named (appropriately) after a serial killer though. lol



    1. Wrath of the Fallen sounds cool. I’ll have to read through your chapters.


  2. Yep, in one novel, my female protagonist has a cat, and so does her mum. The cats are based on real cats a friend of mine used to have. I used them almost as additional decorations. I don’t know, they just added more atmosphere I guess.

    In my current WIP, my female protagonist’s best friend has a little chihuahua that’s there for comic relief and there’s a mysterious cat that appears here and there and has great meaning but you only realise that at the end of novel.

    I like adding animals, but I always make sure they’re not distracting from a scene.


    1. Yeah, I’ll have to give pets a try in one of my next projects. I see how they can be used and cool to have around, I just haven’t given it a try yet.

