TPD-2nd Draft Project Journal: Starting the 2nd Draft

I was going to wait until Monday to post this, but I couldn’t answer the question, “What am I waiting for?”

January 1st has come and gone which means I’ve started the second draft of “Things People Do”. I’ll be working on this project for the rest of the month, then I’ll switch out to work on my fantasy novel “Amachi – Warrior”.

As you can see, I’ve changed the project journal graphic for “Things People Do” from the black and white puddle of rain, to what you see above. I figured, a New Year, a new draft, why not a new graphic? Though, let me say I can’t take any real credit for the picture itself. I came across it on the net and felt that it really spoke to the emotion of my screenplay. All i did was a little text and image manipulation.

At any rate, before I launched my attack on the script’s 2nd draft, I cracked open its project binder and looked over the results of what my creative love and passion had birthed. I scanned through the printed sections of the binder: Concept, Outline, Chapters, Scenes, Synopsis, Characters, Locations. It always feels good to see everything printed out, nice, neat, and organized. It calms me, and allows me feel like I know what I’m actually doing for few moments.

Thought I’d share a couple pics of my binder below.

As slick and clean as everything looked to me, I knew that it was time to get dirty. I turned to the Scenes section and read over my 62 pages of Scene Summaries, totaling 185 scenes, to make sure everything still “felt right” after a two-week break from project. Once I became re-acquainted with the characters, the motives, the emotions, the story itself and it’s message, I gave it all the “Green Light” and started writing.

Scene 1. Introducing Christine = INT. LANDO’S SPOT – NIGHT

A couple of key strokes later I had the first 6 pages of the second draft. Stopping to read over what I’d written, I instantly noticed a different feel or “energy” to this draft compared to the first. The characters seemed to be that much more alive on the page. It was definitely a good feeling, and I liked it.

As one who likes to share, I figured why not share my “good feeling” with you guys? I already have a link to the first five pages of the 1st draft posted in the “Screenplay Previews” section of this blog. Below you’ll find the first five pages of the 2nd draft. It’s only the first run through of the 2nd draft, but still, take a look, give it a read,  and tell me what you think so far.

Read as is or click FULL SCREEN.

[QUESTION] How’s are you progressing on your own projects for the start of this new year?

10 thoughts on “TPD-2nd Draft Project Journal: Starting the 2nd Draft

  1. I’m very impressed with how organised you are! Love the new graphic. Your website has a great look in general as well.


    1. Hey, Alannah
      Thanks I’m glad you like the graphic and the site. How have you been? How are things going with your “boy”?


      1. I’ve been re-writing the first chapter with my boy lol. Totally new beginning to it. Was stuck creatively very badly for about 3 months, think it had to do with the fact I was really unhappy with the novel I had ended up with. I only felt better once I figured out what it was that it was missing. My boy had been censored too much, and that was my own “protective” mother type thing, worried about him not being “mainstream” Well, he is NOT mainstream so I’m letting him be himself now.


        1. Sounds great. I’m glad you’re back into your novel. Yeah, sometimes you just have to write what you “feel” as opposed to what you think people want. I believe you come out better as a writer for it anyway.


  2. Incredible new graphic and 2D of story. Thanks for sharing your process and progress…I am inspired.


    1. Thanks for you kind words. I’m glad you like the graphic and what I have for the 2nd draft so far. Everything seems to be coming together nicely.


  3. Intriguing! I don’t like that Candice chick. LOL!


    1. Glade you picked up on it. Yeah, she’s a sneaky one, lol.


  4. Wow, it looks very organised. I have next to no experience with screenplays, but it looks promising. 🙂


    1. Cool, M
      Thanks for reading. Yeah, I’m an organization freak when it comes to writing, and ONLY writing if I like my wife tell it, lol.


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