CADAVER DOG: Chapter 5 Rewrite

Writing from Multiple character points of view

Chapter five explores the motives of some of the supporting characters which originally were presented through Sylvia’s point of view.

Now, writing this chapter from the perspectives of all the supporting characters involved will allow me to get to know them that much better, present them to the reader better, and play around with them and watch them grow unexpectedly as I put words to page.

Getting Into Character

Getting into each character’s head, their mindset, how they think will be a joy to write. The main thing I am anticipating is seeing my main character, Sylvia, through their eyes and as a writer, keeping Sylvia’s character consistent while being perceived from different points of views.

The main draw for me is diving deeper into each character’s subplot, their own stories, their own goals, motives, payoffs, stakes, anchors etc… alongside Sylvia’s.

First in line for Chapter Five is Sylvia’s Foster Mother, Cheryl Moore. She’s a sophisticated, compassionate, down to earth IT Professional and unfortunate widow. Exploring and presenting her side of this story, good, bad, and tragic will prove interesting especially her motive towards Sylvia.

Expanding the world

Diving into the other characters lives will no doubt take us into their lives at home, and with most of these characters being young children to teens I’ll be able to get into the dynamics of family life as it relates to the story. That will make the world bigger and more relatable, I believe.


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