Mobile Writing App Greatness

This has now become a key tool in my writing productivity, and I’m going to use this opportunity to put my voice to the positive praise it deserves.

Scrivener for iOS

So far, it is a fantastic product that all writers and creators of the written word should know about. For those who may not know, Scrivener for iOS is the mobile version (for iPhone and iPad) of Scrivener’s Mac and Windows desktop applications.

In my opinion, Scrivener is a writer’s dream software tool. It allows you to write and organize everything about your writing in one place in whatever way works for you, therefore, keeping your creative process intact and still unique to you.

After using Scrivener for iOS for a week, it’s done nothing but increase my writing productivity and open my eyes to many more opportunities to write on the fly throughout my day. The desktop Scrivener app is outstanding already, and with the creation of the mobile version it’s even better. The main reason being is that I have access to my actual project file 24 hours a day. I don’t have to wait until I get home or carry around my Macbook to work on my project. I can add images, text, web links etc… right into the phone app like the desktop version.

Because I didn’t have that level of access before, in recent months I used the desktop app a little less than normal. While out and about, if I had ideas I wanted to add to my project, a line of dialog, or whatever, I would jot it  down in another mobile app on my phone. When I accumulated a large amount of changes or additions, I would then port it over to scrivener through cut and paste, where at times I had to deal with formatting issues from app to app. Soon it became a real hassle for me.

Now, I can make those changes right in my scrivener mobile app and sync it. You sync through Dropbox, but even still, it’s easy peasy. So far, honestly, I haven’t come across anything that I don’t like about this app. It does exactly what a mobile writing app should do.

Scrivener for iOS is $20 bucks at the Mac App Store and is a great writing tool even if you don’t have the desktop version. You should definitely check it out > Scrivener for iOS


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